Imagine for a moment a large, modern, postmodern, liberal, woke, ecumenical mega-church system coming to prominence in the last days. That is to say, a future super-church, with lots of money, an appealing message and a large following. Such a church that sin, judgement and repentance are never mentioned but instead love, unity and broad-mindedness are elevated to the forefront. It is not hard to imagine because there are so many precursors to this all around us, they just haven’t been fully united together under one solitary organization.
The late Reverend David Wilkerson had a warning for all of us concerning a future World Super-Church. Who was David Wilkerson?
David Ray Wilkerson was born in 1931 in Hammond Indiana USA and died in 2011. He was known and loved worldwide for his incredible testimony and for his strongly anointed ministry that carried on for decades, out of his church, Times Square Church, in New York city. A movie The Cross and The Switchblade was made telling of his early years of ministry reaching out to gang members in New York’s downtown. He started Teen Challenge Ministry, which spread world-wide. He was known for his direct, frank preaching on holiness, consecration, devotion and faith and has been a spiritual father to thousands/millions (I don’t know how many). Many have regarded him as a modern-day prophet although he would humbly shy away from such titles.
Not everyone is aware that Wilkerson, in the year 1973, saw a great vision about the last days. He published the vision in a book. Simply called “The Vision.” Here is an except from his introduction:
I have had but two visions in my lifetime. The first came to me in 1958, when a vision of God took me from a little town in Pennsylvania to New York City to work with teen gangs and drug addicts. That was not a false vision. Now, years later, its re-ality is shown by the youth centers spread all around the world. Gangs and addicts have not only been converted, but many are even preaching the gospel as ministers and missionaries.
A second vision came to me this summer (1973). It is a vision of five tragic calamities coming upon the earth. I saw no blinding lights, I heard no audi-ble voices, nor did I hear from an angel. While I was in prayer late one night, these visions of world cala-mities came over me with such impact that I could do nothing but kneel, transfixed, and take it all in.
At first I did not want to believe what I saw and heard. The message of the vision was too frighten-ing, too apocalyptic, too discomforting to my mate-rialistic mind. But the vision came back to me, night after night. I couldn’t shake it off. Deep in my heart I am convinced that this vision is from God, that it is true, and that it will come to pass. Yet this vision has caused me to do some very real heart-searching. I have been afraid that most peo-ple won’t believe it, or that I’ll be branded as some kind of fanatic. I shared this vision with some of my closest friends and associates and have been warned against publishing it. Who wants to listen to a message of economic confusion in a time of great affluence? Who wants to be told judgment is coming when so many can’t even cope with life as it is? Who will ever believe that the religious freedom we now enjoy will soon be threatened and that a Jesus revolution will turn into a Jesus revulsion movement?
In spite of my fears and apprehensions, I can no longer shake off a conviction that this vision must, be published. If I understand divine guidance at all, God has instructed me to speak out.. I have tested the vision by the Word of God, and Scripture corre-lates its message. Parts of this vision will come to pass in the very near future. Some of the events are more distant. But I believe all the events men-tioned will happen in this generation!
I believe we are already in the time the Bible reefers to as “the beginnings of sorrows.” This world faces tribulation of unbelievable proportions, and even now the Earth is reeling under the impact of the first sampling of God’s wrath. It seems that nearly everybody is wondering what is happening to nature, to moral standards, and to society. I believe that what is happening now is supernatural and is out of the reach of man’s control.
Many who read this book will find it easy to for-get its message during these “breathing spells” of good times. It’s hard to think of judgment when you are basking in the sun on a warm beach. Earth-quakes, famines, floods, and other disasters seem so far away when you are racing across a lake in a high-powered speedboat. It’s difficult to imagine hard and tragic times when money is flowing, when freedoms are taken for granted, and when TV com-edies make life appear to be so free and easy.
Nevertheless, God warns of sudden disaster when all men are crying peace and safety. The flood of Noah’s age came when men were eating, drinking, marrying, divorcing, and living high. The multi-tudes who mocked the “unbelievable vision” of this prophet were suddenly faced with the fury of God’s wrath.
Before you put aside this vision as the ramblings of a fanatic, hear this! Suppose it is true? What if I have really heard from God? This vision could be the actual warning from God through a human being to a lazy, slumbering world.
(The Vision, pg 11-13)
I would like to quote a piece of this great vision that concerns the rise of a World Super-Church. Wilkerson says;
I see the formation of a super world church con-sisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Prot-estants and the Roman Catholic church, joining po-litically hand in hand, creating one of the most powerful religious forces on earth.
This super world church will be spiritual in name only, freely using the name of Jesus Christ, but will, in fact, be antichrist and political in many of its activities. This powerful church union will be deeply involved in social action, tremendous chari-ty programs, and ministries of compassion. Its lead-ers will make sweeping statements about meeting human need by sending out a call for renewed so-cial action, political intervention, and a greater voice in world affairs.
A Sudden “Mysterious” Chain of Events — 3
Just when it appears that the ecumenical move-ment is nearly dead, a rather mysterious chain of events will bring about the framework for this union. Rome will insist upon and receive many con-cessions from the Protestant ecumenical leaders.
The Pope will be considered more of a political than a spiritual leader of this great union. Protes-tant leaders of the ecumenical movement will insist upon and receive certain concessions from Rome in exchange. They will not be asked to consider the Holy Father as the infallible head of the church and will accept his political leadership without ac-cepting his role as Peter’s successor.
I am in no way suggesting that the Pope or any other church leader involved in this super church organization will be engaging in antichrist activity. The Bible has much to say on that matter but it is not for me, at this time, to speculate on the subject. However, I do see something that frightens me. I see an army of career people invading the most in-fluential posts in this super church organization. Many of them will be ungodly, antichrist people, obsessed with the concept that this super church must become a political power, strong enough to put pressure on all those who oppose its actions. While those in the highest posts of leadership will be speaking about miracles, love, and reconcili-ation, hirelings who work under them will be har-assing and persecuting those religious organiza-tions opposed to their leadership.
The formation of this super world church will begin in a small way. It will start with informal co-operative study and•research programs. Other co-op-erative programs will be initiated without legal or binding commitments from Protestants or Catho-lics. But liberal Protestant leaders from England and the United States will join liberal Catholic
theologians from Europe in pressing for an “ecu-menical miracle.”
The legal, political amalgamation is yet quite distant—but the informal framework for the union is already under way.
Homosexuals and Lesbians
Welcomed by Super Church — 4
I see this super church, in the guise of “under-standing,” accepting homosexuals and lesbians into its membership. Homosexual and lesbian love will be vindicated by the leadership of this church union and will not only be welcomed but will be en-couraged.
Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be or-dained and given places of authority in this church union, and will be heralded as a new breed of pioneer introducing new concepts of love and evangelism.
I see coming, in nearly every major city in the United States and around the world, homosexual and lesbian churches catering exclusively to the spiritual needs of their own kind, with full recogni-tion and support from organized religion. Sunday school and church literature will be distributed in study curriculum suggesting to children and teen-agers that homosexuality is a normal and accept-able form of Christian sexual practice.
Most tragic of all, I see the day coming when the majority of homosexuals will no longer seek help from the church. Instead, they will be defended by the super church, and admired for their courage
and willingness to be different. This super church will accommodate itself to the weaknesses of man’s flesh and will set out to comfort mankind in their sins. Guilt complexes will be blamed on old-fashioned “sin condemning” preachers who speak out against the hang-ups of those who were once considered candidates for help and counseling. New teaching efforts will be focused on an attempt to enlighten men on how to live with their problems and, in fact, to enjoy these weaknesses as “gifts from God.”
(The Vision pg, 76-79)
This part of the vision continues with a section where Wilkerson says that there will be nude dancing in the church. I am skipping over that section to the next part which reads;
I believe the super world church will condone certain occult practices. Already some church groups in Haiti have incorporated certain aspects of voodoo into their form of worship. Study commit-tees will be established to “defang” the devil and remake his image into one of a bland nonentity, not to be feared.
In some of the most respected, wealthy churches in the country, seances will replace prayer meet-ings. A growing number of ministers will be in-trigued by the supernatural claims of spiritualistic and satanist groups. I see the day coming when those ministers who have never been very close with God will become very close to the devil.
Satan will appear as an angel of light to deceive, if it were possible, the elect, the chosen of God. Sa-tan’s own ministers will appear as angels of light and they will attempt to spread the message within the ranks of the church that Satan is not an enemy, but a friend.
The super church will never officially accept oc-cult practices outright, but phrenology, palmistry, fortune telling, and horoscopes will be widely re-spected.
(The Vision pg 80)
What does Wilkerson mean by this World Super-Church consisting of; “ …liberal ecumenical Prot-estants and the Roman Catholic church, joining po-litically hand in hand, creating one of the most powerful religious forces on earth.”?
Theological Liberalism was birthed and spread In the nineteenth century, with the advent of modernism. Many ministers began to view fundamentalism as being narrow, irrelevant and unaccommodating.It was an era of intellectualism and rationalism. Theological dogmas were scrutinized and discarded in the name of logic and reason. Inquiry into science was applauded. Re-evaluation of social and religious values was thought to be an essential task in achieving the goal of greater individualism and humanism. Books like; “Antiquity of Man,” and Charles Darwin’s “Origin of Species,” were introducing and popularizing new ideas that proposed to explain the history of the natural world and the origins of life in ways that boldly challenged the claims of the Bible. Modernism’s attack on belief in the transcendent and supernatural cultivated the perfect atmosphere for modern biblical criticism to flourish. Nineteenth century Liberal theology argued that theological positions must incorporate modern enlightenment. It embraced the modernist concept of humanism. It felt that this kind of fluidity would bring a freshness to the study of the Bible and also might help win back the modernist, educated community which was unsympathetic towards evangelicalism.
Nineteenth century Theological Liberalism challenged doctrines such as the inspiration of the Bible, literal miracles, and even the atonement. Nineteenth century Theological Liberalism has evolved into 20th and 21st century Theological Liberalism, which teaches LGBT activism, gay marriage, environmental activism and feminism as well. Theological Liberalism finds support among many mainline denominations and stands in contrast to the much larger, Evangelical Christian world. However, even this last statement made is becoming open to debate as these lines become less black-and-white and more and more churches are becoming open to liberal ideas. We even have movements such as the Emergent Church movement which seeks to deconstruct traditional models of Christian expression and interpret Christian faith through a more postmodern lens.
Wilkerson saw; “ …liberal ecumenical Prot-estants and the Roman Catholic church, joining po-litically hand in hand, creating one of the most powerful religious forces on earth.”? More and more, Liberal churches are seeking partnership with the Roman Catholic Church (Not official union, not yet).
This partnership can also be called Ecumenism and also called interdenominationalism, transdenominationalism, or ecumenicalism. This is the concept and principle of greater unity between religious groups, to pursue common goals.
Unity between Christians, in itself, is a good thing but there is a fine line to unity. The key question is what am I unifying with? Unity is good when you are unifying with truth, with real Christian faith, but unity with darkness is bad, not good. Liberalism is darkness.
Liberal ecumenical Prot-estants and the Roman Catholic church, united politically, could create one of the most powerful religious forces on earth. Is the Catholic Church interested in unity with other churches? The Anglican-Roman Catholic Consultation USA began meeting in 1965 and meets twice a year as it is “addressing understandings of reconciliation in scripture and tradition.” The Catholic Church also began ecumenical discussions with the Lutheran Church, beginning in 1965 through the Commission for Ecumenical Affairs. They produced a common statement entitled “The Hope of Eternal Life” which highlights their common beliefs. (–anglican) Twice a year the Catholic church meets with representatives of the Reformed Churches and eight theological publications have come out of this dialogue. The Catholic Church has been forging ties with modern Evangelicals for years. A milestone in this endeavour has been the 1994 document “Evangelicals and Catholics Together”which major Evangelical and Catholic scholars both signing. Famous big name Evangelical leaders who signed included Chuck Colson, Richard Lang and J.I. Packer.
Have Catholics been showing interest in other world religions? What has been the nature of this interest and collaboration? In 1986, Pope John Paul convened a universal prayer service for leaders of all major world religions. His invitation was accepted by 47 delegations which represented 13 religions —including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, as well as several traditional African and American religions. Catholics and Hindu Vaishnava scholars have been collaborating since 1998 through the International Society for Krishna Consciousness where a public Hindu-Catholic encounter is a part of their annual meeting. In November of 2017 Catholics and Hindus met at the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple in Lanhamto to discuss the love of neighbour in Catholic and Hindu traditions. Between 2003 and 2009, Catholic Bishops have been meeting for their annual Northern California Ch’an/Zen Buddhist-Catholic Dialogue. An international plenary of Buddhist and Catholic Leaders in Castel Gandolfo, Italy has met for a “dialogue of fraternity” ( that ended with an audience with Pope Francis.
One ecumenical organization that The Catholic Church has collaborated extensively with is the World Council Of Churches (although it is not an oofficial member). The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a international multi-church organization founded in 1948 that seeks to strengthen ecumenism.
The World Council of Churches is comprised of 352 member churches. What kind of things do they advocate for?
They advocate for Catholic unity. In their own words: “For more than 50 years, the member churches of the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church have jointly fostered unity, theological reflection, and solidarity in service.”
They advocate for climate activism. In their own words: “Against this background the WCC relentlessly advocates for climate justice at the annual Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change as well as in other fora.” (
“Since the 1970s, the WCC has helped develop the concept of sustainable communities. Since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992, the WCC has been present at all UN climate change conferences.” (
They advocate for Indigenous spirituality. In their own words: “Indigenous struggles for justice and for preservation and protection of their rights, cultural identity, spirituality, and traditional sustainable lifestyles are fundamental to their human dignity and survival.
The worldviews, spiritualities, cultures and experiences of Indigenous Peoples are distinct. At the heart of their struggles for survival as self-determining people is maintenance of spiritual, cultural, social, economic, and political integrity. Indigenous concerns are therefore central not only to the WCC’s Mission from the Margins programme but also to the whole ecumenical fellowship and its Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace.”
David Wilkerson said that the World Super-Church would be gay-affirming. Although the Bible condemns the gay lifestyle in the strongest language possible, today we see churches claiming to be gay-affirming. These churches include segments of Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, United Church, Presbyterian, Reformed and even some fringe Pentecostal groups. Again Wilkerson warns;
I see the formation of a super world church con-sisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Prot-estants and the Roman Catholic church, joining po-litically hand in hand, creating one of the most powerful religious forces on earth.
This super world church will be spiritual in name only, freely using the name of Jesus Christ, but will, in fact, be antichrist and political in many of its activities. This powerful church union will be deeply involved in social action, tremendous chari-ty programs, and ministries of compassion. Its lead-ers will make sweeping statements about meeting human need by sending out a call for renewed so-cial action, political intervention, and a greater voice in world affairs.
I cannot help but see the pre-cursers to this Emerging World Super-church. How did we come to such a place of dullness that the pre-cursers have even got off of the ground?
There are nearly one billion Catholics in the world today. We love them and wish them well. However, Catholicism is not Christianity. It holds to a different teaching on gaining salvation. If we just use the Bible as our source, then we have a very narrow path to salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ through what He has done for us at Calvary. If we use the whole body of Catholic teaching as our base, this narrow way is changed to a much broader way to include a religion of rituals and sacraments which are thought to be instrumental and important in experiencing God’s grace.
In Roman Catholicism, the saving work of Jesus Christ is believed to be communicated through the Roman Catholic Church. The catechism of the Catholic Church states; “Christ manifests, makes present and communicates [H]is work of salvation through the liturgy of [H]is Church.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church. Ottawa: Publications Service, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1994, 237.) More specifically, it is taught that Christ’s work of salvation is passed through the Church by means of seven sacraments. These sacraments are Confirmation, Chrismation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.(Catechism of the Catholic Church. Ottawa: Publications Service, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1994, 245)
These sacraments are viewed not merely as symbols. Rather, it is viewed, by the practicing of the sacraments, that the grace of Christ is activated and made beneficial to Catholic participants. Catholicism teaches that “[c]elebrated worthily in faith, the sacraments confer the grace that they signify. They are efficacious because in them Christ [H]imself is at work: it is [H]e who baptizes, [H]e who acts in [H]is sacraments in order to communicate the grace that each sacrament signifies.”( Catechism of the Catholic Church (Ottawa: Publications Service, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1994), 247.)
If they confer the grace that they signify, sacraments in Catholicism become enormously important. We are told that “[t]he Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation.” ( Catechism of the Catholic Church (Ottawa: Publications Service, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1994), 247.) I disagree with these quotes from the Catholic catechism because I feel that they teach salvation through the meadiatorship of sacraments and through the meadiatorship of the Catholic Church.
What does the Bible teach concerning the mediatorship of salvation? We are told, in the book of First Timothy; “ For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, ” (1 Timothy 2.5). Christ, alone, mediates between God and man, granting salvation to those who receive Him. His salvation is not contingent upon religious rituals or the authority of men. He clearly declares; “…’I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. ” (John 14.6)
Dear friend, salvation is not ritualistic. Salvation is about becoming born again. A man or woman may become born again by coming to God by faith.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Romans 5.1-2 KJV
We must not loose the simplicity of being saved by faith in Jesus Christ, through His work on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.
Catholicism is not Christianity and Liberalism is not Christianity either. The Scriptures are inerrant and authoritative. The miracles are real. The Atonement is real and constitutes the only way for man to be saved. The Bible mandates heterosexual union through marriage as the only acceptable form of sexual union.
With the abandoning of sound doctrine also comes the abandoning of a holy life. This is because liberalism, in all forms is compromise. Liberal theology is not just another side of Christianity, it is apostasy. Spurgeon once said
“the gospel is too precious for us to be indifferent to its adulteration. By the life we bear to the Lord Jesus we are bound to defend the treasure with which He has put us in trust.” (Charles H. Spurgeon, “The Sword and the Trowel,” Sept. 1887, The “Down Grade” Controversy, 23.) Liberalism has a humanistic focus. Our theology should not be man-centred, nor should it be shaped to accommodate human wisdom. Theological Liberalism is too great an alteration of Christian faith for it to actually be Christian faith. It directly undermines the authority of the Bible, the very grounds of Christianity itself. Liberal teachers are challenging Christianity’s most central themes. Do we really need to change the gospel to keep up with postmodern times? Do we really need a new gospel for each generation of mankind or is there one true gospel that remains true for all time. There is one. There is only one.
The emerging World Super-Church will embrace all who embrace it and accept it’s message of unity, conformity, LGBT inclusion, wokeness, pluralism and ecumenicalism. Unity with this Super-church will give members a greater platform for advancing feminism, indigenous spirituality and climate reform. However, uniting with the emerging Super-Church will be shaking hands with the devil.
How’s your nonconformity? Spurgeon once said; “Our nonconformity is beyond measure precious as a vital spiritual force, but only while it remains such will it justify its own existence.” (Charles H. Spurgeon, “The Sword and the Trowel,” Aug. 1887, The “Down Grade” Controversy, 17.)What a concept – non-conformity as a spiritual discipline. Non-conformity is preparing yourself spiritually and mentally for making a great break-a-way when your church or your favourite teacher goes bad. Non-conformity is saying “NO” the the emerging World Super-Church and saying “YES” to Jesus Christ. Sometimes Jesus’ followers are a “little flock.” (see Luke 12:32) Be a part of the holy remnant.
Wilkerson ends his book “The Vision” with some words of hope. He says in the last chapter;
You can be hated and rejected by your own family
and given up by your closest friends. But the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ear is
open to their prayer. We are not to fear anyone who
can destroy the body, but to respect and honor only Him that can touch the soul. No power in heaven or
on earth can touch a man’s confidence and faith in Jesus Christ. No demon, no devil, no human power can destroy the soul.
You and I, and everything that touches us, are under His control. It’s true! No matter how things
look in this drunken world, all things are still work-ing together for good to everyone who loves God and are the called according to His purpose. …
God is still counting the very hairs on our heads. He is still counting the sparrows that fall. He is still hearing petitions before they are asked. He is still answering before being called. He is still giving abundantly more than we can ask or think. So why be afraid?
(The Vision pgs 118-119,120)
Stay away from the Emerging World Super-church. Wath for it. Be the holy remnant. God Bless you!
Roll Forward Oh Zion is not my own song. Its author is Unknown. It is an ancient, little known hymn. You are welcome to sing, play and record it. I hope that it blesses you. God bless you. Shawn Stevens
When the ransomed of Yahweh
from the east and from the west
Shall return with joyous gladness
To receive their promised rest
Then from every tribe and nation
Out of every land, the blessed,
With rejoicing they shall gather
When the King shall come
Roll foreword, Oh Zion
Grace shall be thy triumph till the king shall come
Roll foreword, Oh Zion
Thou shalt be exalted when the King shall come
The Republic of Lebanon is a fertile, mountainous state in western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon has a unique political system, known as confessionalism with power-sharing based on religious communities. The religious demographics are out of sync with Parliamentary representation causing a lot of disillusionment. The country seems in constant political turmoil, with influence and interference by Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia. It is a commercial centre, but tourism has not boomed as hoped. Many question the long-term economic viability of this strife-torn and debt-ridden nation.
The population is ~4,255,000 and the official language Arabic. French and English are widely used. The entire nation has been deeply traumatized, especially Christians, and many have emigrated en masse for economic and security reasons. No official census has been taken since 1932. ~93.5% are Arabs, ~6.5% Other (Armenian, Kurd).
Lebanon remains the only land in the Middle East where all are legally free to change their religious affiliation. Of the 18 recognized religious communities four are Muslim (Shi’as are the fastest growing), one Druze (a secretive religion that came out of Islam), one Jewish and twelve Christian. All of the following figures are estimates: ~58.96% are Muslim, ~31.97% claim to be Christian, ~7% Other, ~2.05% Non-religious, ~0.02% Baha’i. In the Christian category: ~23.9% are Catholic, ~7.32% Orthodox, ~0.35% Protestant, ~0.23% Independent, <0.01% Anglican. Evangelicals represent ~0.5% of the population. Charismatics represent ~0.5% and of those <0.1% are Pentecostals. Of note, ~6700 are Jehovah’s Witness affiliates.